Tomato Ketchup has been our favourite food buddy since childhood. It fits everywhere, with parantha, samosa, burger or cooked vegetables. We love to accompany our boring food items with tomato ketchup to make it tasty and tempting at the same time and we all have our own method of eating this reddish yummy khatta-meetha sauce.

But, do you know that apart from food, FunTop India Tomato Ketchup can be used for so many other purposes?

Yup, that’s true!

Today, we’re going to tell you about some weirdly different but interesting uses of FunTop Tomato Ketchup. Let’s see what they are-
  1. Shine Your Alloys
    Though some of us know about this use of FunTop Tomato Ketchup, most of us don’t believe if it’s true. You can shine up all the dull-looking metals and alloys at your home using FunTop tomato ketchup. Just massage them with the ketchup and watch it dissolve away the tarnish quickly.

  2. Repair Chlorine Damaged Hair
    Yes, you heard it right! You can use the FunTop Tomato Ketchup to restore your hair after a swim into chlorine water. Rub the ketchup on your locks and let it sit for about 20 minutes. You need to wash your hair thoroughly afterward.

  3. Your Instant Ice Pack
    Don’t be amazed. You can use the FunTop Tomato Ketchup sachets to make your quick ice pack to treat numb aches and pains. Just freeze the sachets into the freezer of your refrigerator and put them on the needed area as an ice pack for instant relief.

  4. Remove Fox Smell From The House
    Those who have pet dogs and cats into their homes can also use the FunTop Tomato Ketchup to get rid of the fox smell from their house. Give a ketchup wash to the clothes carrying their fur and smell and then leave it to soak in for 30 minutes before washing off to get rid of the smell.

  5. Facial Scrub
    FunTop Tomato Ketchup can be a great exfoliator for your face and skin. Simply mix the ketchup with some sugar granules and rub it on your face like a scrub. Now, wash it off with normal water for a glowing and silky smooth skin.
These are some of the most effective, easy and different ways to use the FunTop Tomato Ketchup. Try these and let us know your experience. You can also share your different ways of using the tomato ketchup in the comments.

Soy sauce or soya sauce has been an integral part of Chinese cuisine since ages. We all have been using the sauce while cooking and it has become an essential part of our kitchen pantry as well. The sauce adds a unique flavour to the food and improves the taste with a twist. Though we have been using the sauce in Chinese dishes, there are several other ways to use soya sauce in our food.

How many of us know about using soya sauce in cooking a quick meal, marinating, or seasoning after cooking?

Let’s explore some creative ways to use FunTop India Soya Sauce.
  1. Fried Rice
    FunTop Soya Sauce can be your secret ingredient to make the boring fried rice taste heavenly. Just stir the fried rice in FunTop soya sauce before serving and indulge yourself in the magical taste.

  2. Alternative For Salt
    FunTop Soya Sauce can play the best salt alternative in several food items such as in vegetables and soups. Being umami-rich and a fermented product, soya sauce gets absorbed in the food easily and brings a salty taste as well as great color to the food.

  3. Glazing
    FunTop Soya Sauce can be used as an amazing glazer for roasted or pan-fried vegetables. The sauce not only adds shine but also brings a tangy flavour. You can also use FunTop soya sauce to caramelise your vegetables by mixing equal amounts with honey or maple syrup and brush it onto a joint of roasted veggies then pop it back in the oven.

  4. Dipping
    FunTop Soya Sauce can be an amazing dipping sauce for your snacks such as spring rolls. Just take some amount of soya sauce in a bowl, dip your snack into it and eat it. It’s the easiest way to use the sauce.

  5. Stir-fry Vegetables
    FunTop Soya Sauce can also be used to stir fry vegetables easily and quickly. All you need to do is heat some oil in a pan then add cut vegetables of your choice. Stir fry 5 to 7 minutes or until vegetables are tender and crisp and add soy sauce, garlic powder and ginger; stir-fry until well blended and add salt for taste. Serve hot with rice or chapati.